In Word 2013 Core - Lesson 4, Proofing Your Document exercise, the first task Learn to Use the Proofing Tools:

Some student learners have reported that the word Tolano does not appear in the spell checker - i.e. "Tolano isn’t marking or scoring correctly, and therefore I can’t answer the question."

Because Jasperactive runs "live" in the Microsoft Office application, and not in a simulation environment, when you “Add” Tolano to the dictionary (previous exercise task) Office adds the Word “Tolano” to the dictionary. So for the system to recognize “Tolano” as an incorrect word, you have to remove it from the dictionary and check the document.

To address the Tolano Spell Check problem that you're experiencing:

  1. Open Jasperactive and select the Lesson with spelling and grammar – click Practice to Launch
  2. Click File
  3. Click Options
  4. Select Proofing
  5. Click on the box Custom Dictionaries
  6. Click on Edit Word List
  7. Find Tolano and Delete it
  8. Click OK to return to the Options – Proofing – then click the box Check Document
  9. Click OK to close and return to the Word Document
  10. Tolano should be listed with Red Underline again and allow you to add it back to the dictionary and score correctly