As a Teacher, and creator of student Group(s), you can view student information from Groups Manager. A full overview of this capability is demonstrated in our Viewing and Editing Student Information tutorial.

Specifically to locating password information, however, the steps are outlined below. NOTE: if a student account is setup to login with one of the single-click options; such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, then this link will have to be re-established; which can be done from the user profile Account Settings option once they successfully login again.

Steps to find and/or view student passwords:

  1. Navigate to and Login.
  2. From the Teacher Panel, select the Groups Manager option.
  3. Scroll down then from the Groups list grid, identify the appropriate Group and click the Pencil (edit) icon to the far right. Note: If you have many Groups, enter Search criteria instead of scrolling to the grid list.
  4. Click the Group Students tab.
  5. Select the applicable Course the student is learning in.
  6. From the Students list grid, identify the appropriate Student then click the gold Key icon to the far right.
  7. The student specific User and Password page should now appear, as depicted below.
  8. Click the red Generate password hyperlink. A new password is created. Note: you can delete the auto-generated password and type a preferred password instead.
  9. Click Save.


The student can now navigation to and login. Important: instruct the student to go to their user profile Account Settings option and update the 3 security questions. Doing so will allow them to reset their own password the next time using the Jasperactive Web form, instead of the email option which most schools/entities block.

Note: if you're using a Jasperactive with CertPREP (formerly GMetrix) integrated license, it's important that your Jasperactive password is at least 7 characters. Both the Jasperactive and CertPREP password must match for the integration to work properly.