Jasperactive has a built-in Student accounts usage "alert" system that applies only to Centers that purchased the Unlimited "Site" license option. This alert does not apply to those with the 100 nor 300 Maximum Number of Students limited license.

Essentially, the alert (as shown below) is designed to inform Administrators and CCI Learning when a 400, and then again when a 500, Student accounts threshold is hit, so as to prevent a license activation code from going viral - i.e. being shared inappropriately or not as intended.

If the Student usage is appropriate, then the alert can simply be disregarded, as it is just an alert. Otherwise, corrective action should be taken to prevent further use of this code - i.e. contact your sales representative or Jasperactive Support.

If a Center Administrator prefers to not receive alerts, they can turn this functionality off at any time.

  1. Login from jasperactive.com, then click the Home menu option from the applicable product section.
  2. Ensure the Hub or Center Administrator role is selected in the user role drop down.
  3. Click the gear/cogwheel icon in the main menu bar.
  4. Select the Tab - Email Alerts.
  5. Uncheck those that should or should not receive alerts.

If there is any uncertainty of what type of license your Center has, then:

  • From your Hub or Center Administrator user role page...
    • Click the License Inventory option
    • View the column in the license grid labeled "Maximum Number of Students"