Jasperactive provides an option for Teachers to import, create, student user accounts easily. Those with the Center Administrator role can also import Teacher user accounts too. This article will focus on the Teacher Panel Import Students function.

After logging in and from the Teacher Panel (Teacher role must be selected), the following screen appears.

Click on the Import Students option. The following screen now appears.

Step 1 - click the red "template" hyperlink to open our import record spreadsheet. Below are the constraints that must be adhered to for a successful import:

  • Worksheet name - is "Users" and this name must be retained.
  • Column Headers - must remain unaltered.
  • Document - is in the Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls) format - this format must be retained.
  • NOTE: Password column - either enter per cell the per user password you want used, possibly to comply to a class login format requirement, or leave this column blank and allow Jasperactive to assign the student password using the Generic Password field option displayed above.

Tip - when inserting spreadsheet data, i.e. Group Key, it's recommended not to use the Excel AutoFill feature, but rather Copy the populated field, then highlight the applicable cells that you want populated with that same code, then Paste. This prevents Excel from incrementing the last digit of the Group Key code.

Once your spreadsheet is populated and verified with accurate data - IMPORTANT! - ensure each student record has the correct Group Key assigned - then select the applicable option for each field on this page - NOTE: Language field is demographic only, and does not determine the curriculum language setting.

Next, click Choose File, navigate to the file location and upload the saved spreadsheet file, then click Import to begin the process. The following grid will appear when a successful import completes.

Your students will now exist in the Jasperactive system and will be able to login. Happy learning!